Thursday, 22 December 2011

End of term

I can hardly believe that I have said goodbye to my class and the holidays are upon us. It has been a special year and I hope that next year will bring just as much fun and joy to my life. We are so blessed to be influencing the lives of these little souls.

Saturday, 3 December 2011

Botanical gardens earliers this year

Amirs Mum in charge of her group

Beautiful Thrass characters

Miss Burn with her group

Friday, 2 December 2011

Reflections: Third Week!

My beautiful grade 2 class who I shortly will have to say farewell too!
Really feel as though I'm getting there slowly! Enjoyed adding in the video clip from You Tube. Sir Ken Robinson really is worth listening to if you have 20 mins! A really inspiring talk. Also TED Talks is a wonderful link to follow. Roll on the 9th December!

End of year Grade 2 Mum's Tea

Naomi and her Mum
We had the most wonderful Grade 2 end of year function today! We invited the mums to tea to thank them for the support that they had given us throughout the year!It also gave Mel and I  time to reflect on what we had achieved! The children did us proud!

Thursday, 24 November 2011

Reflections on this week

This has been a hectic school week as it is coming to the end of term! Reports are now in and life is a little bit less frantic. We are organising a Grade 2 Mums End Of Year Tea which we will host on the 2nd Dec! Having fun organising!

Wednesday, 23 November 2011

Introducing Me

My name is Gill Rayner. I am from Eden College. It is a small private school situated in the heart of Glenwood in Durban.I am lucky in that my Grade 2 class has only 14 children in it (boys and girls!) Teaching with Mel Whillier has been a treat - we share ideas and I believe create an exciting enviroment for children to learn in. It was her idea that I do this course, and although it has been met with some frustration, I am pleased to be learning how to do this! We are wanting to create our own Grade 2 Blog next year as both of us are passionate photographers and have heaps to share with our colleagues,friends and parents. A dream I hope we can manage!!