Thursday, 24 November 2011

Reflections on this week

This has been a hectic school week as it is coming to the end of term! Reports are now in and life is a little bit less frantic. We are organising a Grade 2 Mums End Of Year Tea which we will host on the 2nd Dec! Having fun organising!

Wednesday, 23 November 2011

Introducing Me

My name is Gill Rayner. I am from Eden College. It is a small private school situated in the heart of Glenwood in Durban.I am lucky in that my Grade 2 class has only 14 children in it (boys and girls!) Teaching with Mel Whillier has been a treat - we share ideas and I believe create an exciting enviroment for children to learn in. It was her idea that I do this course, and although it has been met with some frustration, I am pleased to be learning how to do this! We are wanting to create our own Grade 2 Blog next year as both of us are passionate photographers and have heaps to share with our colleagues,friends and parents. A dream I hope we can manage!!