Tuesday, 19 March 2013

Monday, 18 March 2013

Making Wide Mouthed frog booklets - our own versions!

On Friday we started our booklets but our booklets were with a difference .... they were touch and feel booklets! 

I chose four group leaders based on the work of the previous day. The leaders ; Josh, Adenika, Dipika and Lukas (headed one group) chose the children they wanted in their groups. This was after we had, once again, reiterated what the main principles are when working in a group. Each child was responsible for meeting a South African animal. (The original story we read to them had animals that were all from Australia!) They found the writing difficult but with help they managed to come up with some lovely ideas.

Having written their part of the story they created their own picture using various mediums : sucker sticks, tooth picks, cardboard, cotton wool, sea shells and so forth. They had a fabulous morning and when it was all put together the books looked FANTASTIC! 
( We still have to do the cover......tomorrow ?!)

Kgali doing the end of the story where the frog says" I'm off!"

Carter met a caterpillar who munched on leaves.

Azraa hard at work on her long necked giraffe

Sahil met a spotty creature.... can you guess?

Keemiya also met the frog at the end of the story while Ottie met another spotty creature....!!!

Kiran hard at work on his snake

Utara met an Ostrich who eats stones!

All of them were so proud......maybe we can display them in the library!

Botanical Gardens

Mel and I decided that to round off the term we would organize an activity based outing to Botanical gardens. This we centered around the vowel section of the THRASS chart. We had done something similar in previous years but with a little more brainstorming  we came up with some new ideas. We had some mums who offered to be facilitators .......thank you so much mums - we could never have done this without you! So armed with pencils and a packet of 'goodies' each group headed off to investigate the park!

They had to look at the map and follow directions to various gardens within the  park ......

They had to feed bread to the ducks........

 and lo and behold who should come up but a ......

.....TURTLE! There was such excitement!
Then a heron arrived to catch the fish that were feeding off the bread!

The children had to find the name of 3 trees and of course the boys couldn't resist.....

....... CLIMBING! Hopefully they also found the Eucalyptus tree as well as other interestingly named trees.

The highlight for most of the groups was going to the Orchard house and using a coin( which I had forgotten to put in the packet but thank you mums for coming to rescue!) to make a wish. 

After two hours of exploring the children came back tired, hot  and hungry but after their treat on a tray from the teacher they were back to full spirits!

They all sat on their blankets and had lunch and a rest.

But it was not long before they were off for 'free' time .......

At last it was time to head off back to school .... but not before a grade photo in THE TREE!

Thank you Mums for a wonderful outing! If any of you have more photos to add please email them to me and I will be happy to post them.