Pim, the aardvark, met a termite! This led us into a new adventure in our classroom! We turned our classroom into a termite mound! We had soldiers, workers, nymphs and lastly a queen and king termite. The children all learnt what their role was in the colony and how much team work there was in order for the colony to function well. Keemiya embraced the idea so much that she brought 'wings' which she attached to her uniform to fulfil her role as a nymph! She also painted us a beautiful piece of sky which we could see out of the top of our mound! I was so impressed with the amount that they remembered and how many skills I was able to incorporate.
At the end of the week Mel and I decided to put the idea of 'teamwork' into practice by creating one big masterpiece! Each group was responsible for a section. Keemiya and Azraa designed and drew Pim's mother.
Another group consisting of Lukas, Yashav, Otsile, Rachael, Adenika and Augustine designed the termite mound and were responsible for tearing up egg boxes and glueing them on to create the termite mound.
The last group was responsible for making the ants from fingerprints. They glued them into the tunnels of the mound at the end.
I was so impressed with their ability to work together and produce this masterpiece!