Wednesday, 15 May 2013

Tala Game Reserve

Mel and I had planned a day outing to Tala Game Reserve  at the beginning of the term so the Grade 2's last week had  been counting the sleeps ....... so the excitement on Tuesday morning was tangible! Mums - those who were able to - joined us as we set off in 2 buses bright and early.

When we arrived my class went off on the game drive....

It was such a perfect day and the children were enthralled by it all. They sat and listened carefully to JC while she related relevant facts about each animal we encountered.  I was delighted that they seemed to have remembered so much about what we had taught them in the classroom.

Warthogs : females have only 2 warts and males have 4!

A pod or raft of Hippos

Zebras are herbivores 

Rhino basking in the sun but oh my gosh did he get up quickly when we moved!

A lonely wildebeest

JC explaining that Rhino's have one stomach while wildebeest have four so their dung is much more refined!

A male ostrich is black and sits on the nest during the night .

One ostrich egg is the same as 24 chicken eggs!

After the game drive, we were all starving so we had a quick snack.

We were then ready for the next activity. The class was split into two - one doing an insect trail and the other learning about snakes. They then swapped!

Identifying the different types of insects

Our guide explaining the three parts of the insect: Head, body and abdomen!

Each child had a magnifying glass to investigate the insects at close range.

Off to catch the insects that they had looked at!

Great excitement at finding a dung beetle in DUNG!

Please help me - I have a bug but now what....!

For some the snakes were just too amazing but for me and others we were a little less enthusiastic!

Otsile really didn't like touching this house snake!

A common brown house snake

How long is this PYTHON?

Watching " sunflower" muscles contracting to enable her to move!

I don't like snakes!

But Miss P certainly does!

As does Keemiya's mum Peggy!

How heavy is she?

Yashav holding the albino python!

It takes so many of us to hold her!

After all the excitement it was off to have a snack and free time at the pool!


Pim, the aardvark, met a PYTHON this week! The children have absolutely loved learning about pythons and snakes in general. Mrs Sweet, kindly brought a corn snake to school and shared some of the information about them with the children. They were really excited. Thank you Mrs Sweet.

Mrs Sweet showing the children how she soaked an egg in vinegar to remove the shell 

Carter exploring the soft and hard shell of eggs!

 Corn snake eggs

The skin of a snake!

Azraa looking at the actual LIVE corn snake

 The hatched egg shells - so soft