Wednesday, 29 January 2014

Creeping and peeping!

Inspired by our BIG BOOK 'Bad luck Duck', Mel and I decided to emphasize the words creeping, peeping and spying which the children came across in the book while reading it. We call them the 'WOW' words. These we use to try and increase their vocabulary and encourage to use them in context in their sentence writing.

My class was split into four groups for the week and worked together as a team:

The spyers

The creepers

The sneakers

The peepers

With the help of the Grade 1 teachers each group is given a time during the day to creep up and 'spy' on what is happening in the Grade 1 classrooms. If they come back without getting caught and can tell us what is happening in the classes, they can put a 'GOT YOU' sticker on their doors but if they are noticed the Grade 1's can give them a sticker 'GOT YOU' too. Great fun has been had and the children definitely know now how quietly goose had to creep and peep on fox to chase him away to help save duck!

Welcome Eva

Eva is a new girl at our school and we are so excited to have her in Grade 2. She comes all the way from England and loves reading best of all. Welcome Eva, we hope you have a great time at Eden!

Saturday, 25 January 2014

OOEY GOOEY Friday Fun!

During the week the children were introduced to a story called "Bad Luck Duck" We read this every morning and discuss various aspects of the story writing e.g. illustrative text, ellipses, punctuation, language usage.....
The words that were emphasized in the story were OOEY , GOOEY and STUCK. After some thought we decided that these words would be ideal to use in the form of poems.

Thus on Friday we read the story using expression....

divided our class into groups in the hall and told them to close their eyes ....

and when they opened them they had trays of JELLY in front of them! 

We then allowed them to play with the jelly experimenting.......

and while they were doing this we got descriptive words from them....

Some of the words!

After this we went 'a sploshing' onto the field.....some in gumboots  ...... and then we made mud! Oh what fun....

Back to the classroom to write poems .....

and they did them beautifully! Please pop in and read them in the classroom on our back wall!

Learning to sound out 'a' and 'e' words

To revise the vowel sounds 'a' and 'e' Mel and I decided to make the children draw a picture on their whiteboards by listening to instruction. As we went along they labeled their drawings! Amazing drawings, great listening and some very happy children and teacher! Here are some of the drawings.....

Saturday, 18 January 2014

Fun Friday : hand prints, dice games, money and dot to dot

On Friday Mel and I decided to start our maths lessons which, in keeping with our theme, we centered on the numbers 5 and 10. We did this using our hands. We counted in 5's and 10's and then divided the class into 4 groups with each group doing an activity for 10 minutes before swapping.

Making up 5c and 10c using 2c and 1c coins!


Playing a dice game

Connor doing a dot to dot

Such fun was had with our hand prints which we placed on our windows!