Friday, 30 March 2012


 Mel and I decided to try and improve the children's creative writing as well as their understanding of the semantics of the English language. Thus we used this beautiful book as the spring board to our lessons! What a wonderful time we had exploring language. The children used their own ideas and created their own stories using a similar story line. They loved it so much that we ended up making crocodiles as the in the story the big wide mouthed frog meets a crocodile at the end who loves to eat big wide mouthed frogs! As a result the frog suddenly decided that in fact he was not a big wide mouthed frog but a very small narrow mouthed frog! Mel and I decided to try and improve the children's creative writing as well as their understanding of the semantics of the English language. Thus we used this beautiful book as the spring board to our lessons! What a wonderful time we had exploring language. The children used their own ideas and created their own stories using a similar story line. They loved it so much that we ended up making crocodiles as the in the story the big wide mouthed frog meets a crocodile at the end who loves to eat big wide mouthed frogs! As a result the frog suddenly decided that in fact he was not a big wide mouthed frog but a very small narrow mouthed frog! 

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