Wednesday, 20 August 2014

Eden Green Fest

Acting for Rhinos : Save the Rhino Foundation
had a stall which we all support

On Sunday we had our annual Green Fest. The Grade 2's had a pancake stall and as I was so busy I hardly have any photos to share but these few show the fun we all had!

Making Pancakes

Grade 2 modelling clothes

Grade 2 and 3 boys in the Master Chef Competition

Grade 5 stall : Recycled newspapers made into fire lighters
This won the best stall at the Green Fest. Orders still taken for those wishing to buy. 

There will be a sale on Friday at break to sell all left overs e.g second hand books etc

Shopkeeper : Shaked

Shaked was first at school and before I knew it she had set up her shop! She had a lovely sign ( I think she got the idea from Jamie!) which she put up : THE SHOP IS CLOSED. She then disappeared to play with her friends! Later on we opened the shop and I was so impressed ....... she gave change SO well. Her prices were R1,50 and R2,50 so adding items together and organising change was not so easy! A great shopkeeper day Shaked

Elephant Orals : Vongai, Theolan and Kyle

Theolan had a beautiful poster and through it he told us all about the African Elephant. He also used key cards. Did you know that the elephants tusks are really teeth?! We all learnt a lot. Well done, Theolan.

Vongai also did her oral on the African elephant. She also had a beautiful, bright poster. She started off her oral by asking us whether we knew what the names for elephants were in Zulu, Sotho and Afrikaans. She gave the child who knew the correct answer a sucker!  None of us were too good with Sotho! A lovely introduction Vongai

Last was Kyle who gave us lots of interesting information on the Indian Elephant. He was well organised  ...... using his key cards and his poster beautifully. He even used his ipad to show pictures. He managed to have them all set up so there was no fuss trying to find them. A bright and well presented oral, Kyle

Big Business : Elephants

This week Pim met a baby elephant!

" Do you live in a hole?" asked Pim. 
The baby elephant laughed." No, why would I live in a hole I'm king of the beasts!"
Mel and I decided that we would continue with our exploration of adjectives which we had started last week.. The children were beginning to understand how to use adjectives and were thinking of some really creative words and ideas. 


With this in mind we found some lovely descriptive poems which we explored with the children. Having got some ideas on how to write a poem, they chose partners and start their first lessons in poetry writing! The excitement was tangible and I must say that I was thrilled with their work....

We then proceeded to make elephants from paper plates.

First we painted the paper plates

Cutting out the templates for the nose, trunk and tusks

Inspiration from Kyles talk on Indian Elephants

and eventually pasted the poems on the elephants!


Wednesday, 13 August 2014

Shopkeeper Siya

This week saw Siya as our shopkeeper. She sold sweets and jellies. The jellies were sold out in no time .... such a good idea Siya! She sold her items at 20c so to work out change was a little tricky but with help Siya managed so well. Well done!

Tuesday, 12 August 2014

Monkey packets

        We decided to carry on with this theme of adjectives but this time we had the children described monkeys.......


They were really in swing of it so it took them such a short time to write their ideas onto their white boards. We then made baby monkeys from packets.....

Having made the packet they then transferred their description onto a speech bubble. I was delighted in the way they turned out Well done Grade 2

Monday, 11 August 2014

Monkey business : Adjectives

Mel and I decided to introduce adjectives this week. We asked the children to bring their favourite soft toy to school ....... which they all did with great glee! We then played a game where the toys were hidden and they had to describe a toy to each other and guess what it was. They loved it. 

Following on this idea the next day I got the children to use the toys again and do a similar activity in a written form. They had a particular format to follow : ......It has ______,_____, eyes etc. They then chose a person, read the description and that person had to guess. I was so pleased with the adjectives they came up with!