Saturday, 1 March 2014

Frog awareness day at the Padts ( Connor) Home

It's always such a treat when the parents and teachers can work together to create a learning experience that is beneficial to pupils.

 I knew that Jo Padt (Connor's mum) is very knowledgeable in permiculture and has created a fantastic garden using this ideology.  With this in mind I approached her to see if she would explain 'Biodiversity' to our grade 2's using frogs as a starting point. She kindly agreed and the children all arrived dressed in green ready for an adventure. They had no idea where we were going....

so when we arrived at the Padts Connor could hardly believe that we were going to his home ....

'I'm at home but at cool!' he remarked!

Jo settled them all down and briefly explained BIODIVERSITY..... a very long word .....

And then they were off to look for tadpoles frogs or toads...

Cameron and Ziyaad were thrilled to catch a frog each

Girls you can get some too!

Eva ...the best girl frog catcher!

Elijah ....king of the pond!

Kuhle ...Look! Look Mrs Rayner I got a tadpole!

Eva embracing the biodiversity in the garden

Kyle's frog

Such excitement

Jo explaining how she is creating her fruit forest

Question time ...Shaked

Vongai smelling lavender

Kuhle smelling plants that keep insects away

Jamie listening carefully

Pink Bananas .... never seen anything like it!

Wonderful Jo

Catching tadpoles to take back to watch grow

Sahiesh trying his luck

How much more Mrs Rayner?

The children were so lucky to be able to have this experience. Thank you SO much Jo for your kindness, generosity of spirit and sharing your wealth of knowledge with our classes.

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