Saturday 8 November 2014

Orals : Amal Shriya Siya

I was thrilled to see the creativity and enthusiasm which these children used during their orals. Each of them was so different.

Amal started off the morning with his oral explaining air pressure. A difficult concept to understand for these little souls but so well demonstrated and explained by Amal. A simple but very effective experiment. Well done Amal

all prepared

Tip glass which has been half filled with water
 over onto hard card

count to 30

Pressure from outside greater than inside so paper sticks
to glass with water inside
 Shriya decided to do two experiments. One Sejal was similar to Sejal's except she added glitter to her 'volcano' Her second was whether she could stand on eggs without breaking them! Of course the children were wild with excitement and due to there amazing shape it was possible! Lovely work Shriya !
Shriya all set to do 2 experiments

Vinegar added to bicarb  with glitter


attempting to stand on eggs ...
will they break

NO ! Eggs are shaped perfectly with top and bottom
of the eggs giving them huge strength despite
them looking so fragile

Siya decided to show us how washing powder works .... wonders we eventually discovered! She was well organised and the children sat very quietly and observed as she explained. A great try, Siya
Siya all ready to go

water in both container

washing powder into one container


add socks. ... the washing powder has special enzymes added
which aid the cleaning of garments

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